From baseball to parties

Just about everyone associates a baseball field with baseball, and, well, that's right on the money. What most forget about is that there are other events that go on there besides baseball. People
plan weddings, parties, gatherings, graduations and so forth all to take place at a baseball venue.
With all that being said, I am proud to say that not only do I work baseball games in the
Capital One Club, but I also work events as a bartender. September 21 was one of those days where I worked a couple of events that left me appreciating the serenity of an empty stadium.
The wedding

Like any other wedding, it began with a ceremony that brought tears of joy complete with hugs and high fives. We set up our bar on the second level of the
Hall of Fame next to the reception area. After the vows were said, the fun began.
My fellow banquet bartender and I started out getting into our groove and turning tickets faster than a traffic cop. This bridal party was not afraid to hit the liquor and hit it hard. Serving 150 people from one bar can get a little hectic when they run through three bottles of Patron Silver.

The night rages on, drunken love songs sung, cake sliced and drinks all the while. Normally we get small breaks in between to grab some food and take stock of what items we need to replenish, but not tonight. We are informed that the sorority party next door at the Diamond Club is beyond capacity and the bartenders need help making drinks. Needless to say, we get thrown into the mix as soon as the wedding ended at 11 p.m.
The party
Sweat. Everywhere you turn there is someone breathing in your ear from the lack of room. The lines wrap around three separate bars as TCU sorority and fraternity members crowd the venue. The
Diamond Club is not small by any means, but the sheer number of people trying to get to food, the bar, the bathroom or the dance floor is just overwhelming.
Don't have too much other detail for this other than it all turned into a blur until the party finally ended a little after 1 a.m.

After the craziness of the night, walking out to the home run porch and just looking at the field without stepping in a forgotten hotdog really made it all worth while. Seeing the Ballpark completely empty like that reminded me of the vastness that it all is and getting caught up in a moment makes you forget the simple things.
The paycheck from that day was sweet, too.
What was a time where you reminded to take time to breathe and appreciate the little things? Be sure to check out pictures from other events these past few weeks on my twitter @Zamora_Gabe and be sure to leave me a comment down below.